An Autumn Meditation—Leaves on the Wind

This meditation is designed to support women encountering seasonal affective disorder, fostering a sense of release.

Close your eyes and take a moment to reflect on the happenings of the summer season. Cultivate a sense of gratitude for all the joys and experiences it brought with it.

Become aware of your breath and the feeling of the air as it enters and leaves your nose, your lungs. Sit quietly without judgment, without expectations, simply observing each breath and the sensation of the autumn air around you.

Now, welcome your body into this new season of introspection; into autumn, where you have the opportunity to let go of anything that no longer serves you, embracing the chance to nurture your inner self.

Imagine the leaves, vibrant and full, now gently descending from the trees on an autumn breeze, symbolizing the release that is essential to our life cycle. This process allows you to replenish and find rest, creating space for new beginnings when the time is right.

Consider letting go of something that no longer serves you by writing it on a real leaf. As you hold the leaf, feel the autumn wind carry it away, allowing it to drift into the earth, releasing it without concern for the winds that surround it.

Finally, reflect on what holds value for you in this moment. Challenge yourself to recognize the brilliance in those you meet and in everything you experience, regardless of how mundane it may seem. Life isn't always the vibrant dance of summer; sometimes it's a time to settle, to gather the harvest of our experiences, and to appreciate the beauty and peace in shedding and letting go.

Sit quietly in these last moments, embracing the inner autumn landscape you've begun to cultivate, and watch as the falling leaves around you drift away on the gentle autumn breeze.


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Embracing October: Women, Soft Living, and the Wheel of the Year